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Civ 5 Academy Placement: Tips and Strategies for Optimal Performance

Civ 5 Academy Placement: Tips and Strategies for Optimal Performance

Are you struggling to improve your gameplay in Civilization 5? Do you often find yourself getting eliminated by other players before you can even make a dent in the game? Fear not, because the solution to your problem may be as simple as placing an Academy in the right spot.

But first, what exactly is an Academy? In Civ 5, an Academy is a special improvement that can be built by Great Scientists. When founded on a tile, it provides a boost to science production. This can be incredibly helpful in advancing your civilization's technology and staying ahead of your opponents.

Now, the crucial question: where should you place your Academy? One strategy is to put it on a tile with a high yield, such as a wheat or deer resource. This will maximize the science boost provided by the Academy.

Another option is to place it on a tile that has a strategic value, such as a chokepoint between you and an opponent. This not only provides a science boost but also strengthens your defense against enemy attacks.

But perhaps the most important factor in Academy placement is timing. You want to build your Academy when it will have the greatest impact on your science output. This usually means waiting until later in the game, when you have more advanced technologies and can generate greater amounts of science.

Still not convinced of the importance of Academy placement? Consider this: according to statistics, players who strategically place their Academies tend to have higher science outputs and are more likely to win games. So, if you want to improve your chances of success in Civ 5, optimizing your Academy placement is a must.

Of course, there are risks involved in building an Academy. It takes time and resources to construct, and you may be vulnerable to attacks while doing so. That's why it's important to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and make a wise decision.

But even with the risks, Academy placement remains an essential part of any winning Civ 5 strategy. So, if you're serious about improving your gameplay and dominating your opponents, start thinking carefully about where you place your Great Scientists and their Academies.

In conclusion, don't overlook the importance of Academy placement in Civ 5. With the right strategy and careful consideration of factors such as tile yield, strategic value, and timing, you can boost your science output and improve your chances of victory. So, why wait? Start experimenting with Academy placement today and see the results for yourself!


Civilization V Academy is one of the most important structures in the game. It is where players can produce Great Scientists, who can provide a technology boost or construct an Academy that adds science to a tile. The key to maximizing the benefits of Civilization V Academy is to place it in the right location. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about placing an academy in Civ 5.

Factors to Consider When Placing an Academy

The following are among the factors you need to consider when deciding where to place your Civ 5 Academy:

City Planning

When planning a city, it's crucial to consider the location of future Academies. Strategically placing an Academy in a city with high population and lots of Food output will result in the production of a massive number of scientists. A city with little food output or low population will not be advantageous.

Desert Tiles

In Civ 5, desert tiles can be utilized well by constructing an Academy on them, which will provide two science points if you retreat a Great Scientist by consuming him. So, before you perform any activities, verify your map for a Desert tile, particularly a tile next to an oasis since they grant +1 food, or a salt flat. They are perfect sites to form an academy.

Natural Wonders

Natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef, Giant's Causeway, and Uluru boost your civilization's yield in a variety of fields, including faith, happiness, and culture. When determining where to establish an Academy, consider their impact on the local area, as an academy in or at the edge of their immediate vicinity could be particularly beneficial.

Tech Paths

If you desire early game technology, it is recommended that you construct an Academy as soon as possible. If you have front-loaded production, make one as soon as the building becomes available for construction. Otherwise, rush toward Education. The earlier you can obtain a Great Scientist, the more significant your advantage will become.

Placing Your Civ 5 Academy

The final step of putting together a successful academy is choosing the exact location for it. Below are some tips to consider when choosing a spot.

Near Water

Ensure that you establish the academy near water or marshes. This provides a range of yield bonuses to the city's tiles and may also increase the science yield of the academy after you receive certain technological advancements.

On a Hill

Action a choice when placing an academy on a hill since the player earns an extra +1 science point on a terrain tile that has a hill. So, if the construction of an academy doesn't necessitate the destruction of any improvements or tile features, the placement of the building on such a terrain tile is the most advantageous.

Next to Improvements

Consider placing your academy next to improvements like farms, trading posts, etc., for various reasons. By doing this, it will not destroy any improvements when you place the academy on it. Furthermore, it may also improve the academy's science yield once specific tech advancements are obtained.

In Conclusion

Academies are critical in Civ 5 since they offer science points and play a significant role in a civilization's research balance. Taking into account the factors and tips mentioned above will result in an Academy that provides you with long-term advantages that will help you in various ways. And in a game where planning and strategy play a crucial role, it is essential to make the best decisions possible to gain competitive advantage and ultimately win the game.

Comparison of Civ 5 Academy Placement


Civilization 5 is a game that requires strategy, planning, and decision-making skills to win. One of the major aspects players need to consider is where to place their academies. The placement of academies can make or break a player's success in the game. In this article, we will compare different types of academy placements and their benefits.

Academy Placement

Academies are built by Great Scientists and provide a significant boost to a city's science output. Therefore, choosing the right placement for an academy can have a huge impact on a player's research progress. Here are some of the best types of academy placements.

Capital City

Placing an academy in a player's capital city is usually a good idea. The reason being that the capital city has the highest population and will receive the most benefit from the academy. Additionally, the capital city usually has the National College Wonder, which provides a bonus to science in that city.

Specialized Cities

Players can also choose to build academies in specialized cities that focus solely on science. Such cities can include research labs, universities, observatories, and public schools, among others. Building an academy in such a city can significantly improve its science output and help advance the player's techs at a faster rate.

Strategic Cities

Lastly, a player can build an academy in a strategic city that is crucial to their empire's growth. For instance, if a player wishes to expand their borders or conquer an enemy, they can strategically place an academy in a city located near their intended target. Doing so will provide a boost in science, enabling them to research new technologies and military units to aid in the conquest.

Comparison of Academy Placement

Now, let's compare the different types of academy placement and their benefits.
Academy Placement Benefits
Capital City Maximizes science output, receives National College wonder bonus
Specialized Cities Improves science output in a specific city, helps advance techs faster
Strategic Cities Provides a boost in science to aid conquest or expansion


Everyone has their own strategy when it comes to academy placement in Civilization 5. Some players prefer to build academies in their capital city to maximize science output, while others choose to build them in specialized cities to increase research progress. Furthermore, some players place their academies near strategic cities to provide a boost in science to help conquer or expand. Ultimately, the decision is up to the player and their playstyle.


In conclusion, academy placement is a significant aspect of Civilization 5. The right placement can improve a player's science output, advance their techs at a faster rate, and help conquer or expand their empire. Choosing the right placement depends on various factors such as the city's population, its specialization, and strategic purpose. Regardless of where the academy is built, it provides a significant boost to a player's research progress.

Tips for Effective Academy Placement in Civilization V


Civilization V is an exciting game that requires strategic thinking and effective decision making. One of the most critical decisions players face is where to place their academies. Academies provide science points that can help players speed up their technological advancement.

What is an Academy?

An academy is a building that can be constructed by Great Scientists. When employed, it provides 8 science points per turn. It is an excellent way to gain science advances and improve your civilization's technological progress.

Academy Placement Strategies

When playing Civilization V, you need to make an informed decision about where to place your academy. Below are some tips for effective academy placement:

Tip #1: Construct Your First Academy In Your Capital City

The first academy you should build should be in your capital city because it is the city with the most number of buildings and population. It will provide you with the maximum amount of science points. This will help establish your early lead in science and stay ahead of your competitors.

Tip #2: Choose The Right City

When placing an academy, it is essential to consider the land that surrounds the city. Look at the resources around the city, including nearby terrain such as mountains, jungles, forests, or rivers that provide bonuses to the academy. These locations will boost science production in your city.

Tip #3: Prioritize National Wonders

If you have built National Wonders or considering doing so, place your academy next to the city with the wonder. Since National Wonders are significant, their construction is a priority. It would be best if you maximize their benefits to the city.

Tip #4: Consider Long-term Goals

When placing an academy, it is also essential to consider your civilization's long-term goals. Ask yourself what kind of victory you want to achieve, such as cultural, diplomatic, or science victory. This will guide your decision on where to place the academy.

Tip #5: Be Strategic In Placing Academies

Academies can only be constructed once per scientist, and once you construct one, you cannot undo it. Hence, it would help if you were strategic in how you plant academies in different parts of your civilization. Ensure that the scientific gain from academy placement is worth the cost incurred.


Careful planning and consideration when placing your academies can increase your chances of winning in Civilization V. By keeping the above tips in mind when constructing your academies, you can optimize your scientific achievements and gain a competitive advantage over other civilizations.

Civ 5 Academy Placement: The Key to Success in the Game

Civilization V (Civ 5) is an epic turn-based strategy game where players lead their civilizations to victory by building and expanding empires over time while competing against other civilizations. If you are new to Civ 5 or struggle with certain areas of gameplay, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with more experienced players. That's where Civ 5 Academy Placement comes in.

Academy placement relates to the placement of a Great Scientist's ability, the Academy. As you collect Great Scientists, you can use their abilities to create Academies, which will generate science points for your civilization for the rest of the game. Therefore, it is essential to place them in a location that will serve your civilization's growth and overall game plan. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the critical factors to consider when placing Academies in Civ 5.

The first thing to keep in mind is that each Academy generates science points based on the tile it is placed on. More specifically, placement above resources such as bananas or wheat will generate more science than on regular grassland, plains, or desert tiles. While Improvements are made on tiles with Strategic, Luxury, and Bonus Resources, those tiles, along with Natural Wonders, provide land bonus points and can generate even more science from Academies.

Another factor to consider when deciding where to place your Academies in Civ 5 is to identify which cities have higher population growth rates. Science is generated based on the number of citizens, so constructing an Academy in a city with more citizens is essential. As such, it's important to assess which city has higher food yields to maximize the population and, in turn, the science growth rate.

The civilization you choose can also have an impact on Academy placement. For instance, if you're playing as Babylon, you can get the most out of your Academies by placing them on Hill tiles. In contrast, the Korean civilization gets better science from the Academies built adjacent to each other. Meanwhile, with Persia being a Golden Age-based civilization, they might need to hold on to their Great Scientists until such time when they enter their Golden Age.

There are also external factors outside of your control that must be considered when deciding where to place Academies, and these mainly depend on random events in the game. For example, there may be mountains near your city blocking your progress, or you may be located next to a dangerous rival that wants to destroy your civilization. Consider all the options and react accordingly.

One of the most popular uses for Academies in Civ 5 is to create a bulb strategy. This involves saving up several Great Scientists before building your first Academy to maximize the number of turns of research gained for the rest of the game. By doing so, not only will you gain more scientific research, but there will be fewer technologies to discover by the time you use the Academy, ensuring that you gain the highest number of turns of research possible.

It's important to note that while acquiring a Great Scientist is relatively easy in Civ 5, players should avoid using them lightly. With their potential to create Academies that generate science points, it's best to save them for later in the game when they can provide more benefit to your civilization.

In conclusion, Academies can provide a significant boost to your civilization's science performance in Civ 5. Putting them in the right location can mean the difference between dominating the game and struggling to keep up with other civilizations. With this guide, you now have the necessary knowledge to evaluate and make informed choices about how, where, and when to place Academies to gain maximum benefit.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to confidently build your civilization in Civ 5 and enjoy all that the game has to offer. So go ahead and apply these principles and relish the results. Happy playing!

People Also Ask About Civ 5 Academy Placement

What is the Academy in Civ 5?

The Academy is a unique improvement in Civilization 5 that can only be built by the Great Scientist. It provides +6 Science and a free Great Scientist point every turn, making it a valuable asset for players hoping to win via a science victory.

Where should I place my Academy in Civ 5?

The placement of your Academy in Civilization 5 is crucial to maximizing its benefits. Generally, the best place to build an Academy is on a tile with at least 3 adjacent unimproved tiles with a Plains or Grassland terrain. Ideally, this location should also have access to fresh water and be within range of your other cities to share the benefits.

How many Academies should I build in Civ 5?

Building multiple Academies in Civilization 5 can be beneficial, but it depends on your overall strategy and available resources. As a general rule, it's best to prioritize building one Academy per era before considering additional ones. This ensures you're maximizing your scientific progress while still having resources available for other improvements.

Can I move my Academy in Civ 5?

No, once you've built your Academy in Civilization 5, it cannot be moved. Make sure to carefully consider your placement options before constructing it to avoid wasting a valuable Great Scientist.

What other factors should I consider when placing my Academy in Civ 5?

In addition to terrain and adjacency bonuses, there are several other factors you should consider when deciding where to place your Academy in Civilization 5. These include the presence of other nearby improvements or resources, potential threats from enemy units, and the needs of your current and future cities.

Should I prioritize building an Academy over other Great Scientist uses in Civ 5?

Whether or not to prioritize building an Academy in Civilization 5 depends on your overall strategy and current scientific progress. In general, it's a good idea to save your first Great Scientist for an Academy if you're hoping to win via a science victory. However, if you're already ahead in science or have other pressing needs for a Great Scientist, it may be more beneficial to use them for other purposes such as Research Agreements or Bulbing Technologies.